What Is Cash Out Refinancing And Its Drawbacks?

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By JeffreyThurber

Your home is a financial asset waiting to be used, especially when you’ve racked up the equity for years. Cash out refinancing is a great option for homeowners who need access to money. Just like with any kind of loan there are factors you need to look into. Weighing the different pros and cons before getting another loan will have a huge impact on your decision and your financial future. If you’re considering taking this refinancing option, here is all you need to know about cashing out:

What Is A Cash Out Refinance?

In basic terms a cash out refinance means you get a new home loan that is worth more than what you currently own on your home loan and the difference in value, you get in cash. To make it easier to understand, imagine that your house is currently valued at $500,000 and you still owe the lender $300,000 on your current home loan. When you apply for cash out refinance you can receive a portion of the equity and convert it to cash.

If you decide to take out $50,000 out of your equity, this amount is added to your new loan which means your new principal loan is now worth $350,000.

Advantages of Cash Out Refinance

The biggest advantage of this kind of loan is the freedom homeowners have to choose where to spend the cash on. You can use it to pay for other debts like car loans, and student loans, or you can even use the money to treat your family to a vacation. The best use for cash out refinancing is to put it towards adding equity to your home like a remodeling or renovation. This way you add more value to your home are further raise its equity.

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Disadvantages Of Cash Out Refinance

Getting a cash out refinance is a great option if you plan to use it for investing, but there are still some drawbacks to this type of mortgage refinancing. Here are some of the cons of this refinancing option that homeowners should be aware of:

Closing costs of a cash out refinance are typically higher when compared to equity loans.

Getting this kind of refinance causes your current mortgage to “reset” which means the terms you currently have with your lender are extended. This means you will end up paying for your mortgage for a longer period of time.

The more you borrow using your home’s equity the more likely you are required to pay a PMI or a private mortgage insurance which adds to the amount you pay monthly.

Most lenders will only consider you application for cash out refinance valid after you have lived in your home for more than a year. This means that you have to wait until you can access your home’s equity.

Before you apply for any kind of refinancing loan speak to a tax advisor or a trusted broker. This way you will understand the terms of the loan and make a sound financial decision that will not lead to financial difficulty in the future. Find more tips at refinancingmortgages.co. You can also read more about how mortgage refinancing works at https://www.usa.gov/mortgages.
Cash out refinancing is one way to re-do your home mortgage. How can you do it? Visit refinancingmortgages.co to learn more!