How to use CBD to help ease symptoms of seasonal affective disorder

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By JeffreyThurber

The psychological disorder known as the seasonal affective disorder or SAD is not a mere play on words and acronyms. It is an actual psychological disorder, a form of depression that is connected to the changes in the seasons. Generally, SAD occurs during autumn and throughout the winter season and is less common during spring or early summer.

Experts estimate that there are at least 10 million Americans who suffer from this condition. SAD is more common in women than in men. The onset of this depression is between the age of 18 and 30 years old. Some patients who are suffering from SAD may have sufficiently severe symptoms that their quality of life might be affected. About six percent of those afflicted require hospitalization.

Those who are diagnosed with SAD have the symptoms for major seasonal depression for a period of at least two years. Aside from seasonal suicidal thoughts, symptoms may also include insomnia and poor appetite. Sometimes, it may cause over-sleeping. Losing interest in many activities and withdrawing from friends and loved ones are also common symptoms. The feeling of hopelessness is sometimes coupled with the feeling of guilt.

The exact cause (or set of causes) of SAD is not known but it is usually associated with the lack of sunlight and vitamin D deficiency. Many sufferers produce a high level of the sleep hormone melatonin during winter because of the low light exposure.

There are various ways of treating SAD such as antidepressant medications, counseling, vitamin D supplement and light therapy. Prescribing antidepressant drugs is the most common. A psychiatrist may prescribe serotonin reuptake inhibitors or monoamine oxidase inhibitors to help balance the brain chemicals.

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Counseling is another way of addressing SAD which can be effective. A trained professional or someone whom the patient trusts or respects as an authority may attempt some form of counseling. Vitamins D supplement and light therapy address the overproduction of melatonin in the cells. These can mimic exposure to sunlight that will also improve other positive brain hormones.

Another option is treating it using marijuana and/or CBD products in order to get the hemp gummy benefits, or the benefits from however you wish to take these products. Not all SAD sufferers respond to just one form of treatment. Supplementing the treatment with CBD products could significantly address the symptoms of SAD. Some sufferers, however, may have adverse reactions to the psychoactive substance, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). To avoid this, make sure you use hemp-derived cannabidiol or CBD products

Insomnia and anxiety are the two major symptoms of SAD that can be treated using CBD. A 2010 study indicated the effect of CBD on social anxiety. The brain scans of participants showed changes in blood flow in areas of the brain that are associated with anxiety. Findings in 2014 indicated that CBD also has antidepressant properties. A case study published in 2016 showed the positive effect of CBD on treating pediatric anxiety and insomnia. The child was able to sleep well when treated with CBD. You can also snack on products and CBD-infused honey sticks, apply the tinctures and creams or add some flavored CBD oils in your cereal and pastries.