Keys to Long Lasting Health – How to Maintain an Excellent Health? New Tips

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By JeffreyThurber

We know that good health is directly linked to healthy food and exercise.

We know a lot about vitamins, minerals and alkaline food.

However, we need to know the main keys for permanent health.

This article is about some inside tips for your health.

It is not enough to know about healthy food or exercise.

It is not adequate to focus on your body and forget about other aspects.

Health is about the combination of all important factors.

It is about the Holistic Approach.

Our health is enhanced by the connection of our mind and body.

Add to this your emotions.

Good health is= Mind+body+emotions.

And even knowing this formula is not enough.


Because there are many variables & secrets within these 3 main factors.

We have to know about those secrets of: exercise, food and emotions.

Let us examine and explain some secrets about main factors for better health.

Main Causes for Long Lasting Health:

A-Physical Exercise:

The benefits are well known, but do we know how to exercise?

Any physical movement is no doubt good for your health, but you need to know the best way for exercise.

Here are some exercise tips:

1-Exercise for at Least Continuous 30 Minutes. The brain starts releasing endorphins only after 30 minutes of uninterrupted exercise. You need endorphins for your mood and emotional health. Also you need it for your muscles and heart.

2-Do Not Over Exercise: Start slowly and gradually. If you want to run 5 miles/day, start gradually, say at first 2 miles/day, and gradually increase it. Over training can cause the heart to enlarge to an abnormal size which can cause future problems.

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3-After Exercising, Drink Only Warm Liquids. Cold drinks immediately after exercise can cause body temperature to drop too quickly. This can lower your immune system and cause flu. The Chinese are known for drinking warm water even during hot weather so as to maintain their energy level.

4-Take at Least One Day off/Week: As your body needs exercise for better health, it also needs rest.

B-Healthy Food:

We know about healthy food such as: fruits, vegetables, yogurt, nuts & beans. Those foods are alkaline and very good for the heart and the blood. They are full of nutrients, vitamins & minerals. However, we need to know how to eat them without health problems.

Here are some eating tips:

1-Do Not Eat Fruits With Any Other Type of Food. If you do, that food will ferment, and you lose all of its healthy ingredients plus some stomach discomfort which will drain your energy. Eat fruit only 30 minutes before, or at least 2 hours after any meal.

2-Do Not Eat Meat With Rice or With Any Starchy Food. This will create indigestion and destroys the ingredients. Meat with beans or wheat products is good.

3-Stay Away From Sugar and Desserts: sugar will feed cancer cells that are dormant in our body. Sugar also lowers the immune system and makes you vulnerable to all kinds of coughs and colds.

4-Do Not Eat Anything While You Are Angry or Under Strong Negative Emotion. That food would become toxins in your body and very likely you would develop either diabetes or high blood pressure or high cholesterol. Under negative emotions or stress, your body releases Cortisol which is called the Stress-Hormone. Cortisol weakens your main organs such as the kidney, heart or lungs.

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C- Your Lifestyle:

If you exercise well and eat healthy food, does that guarantee good health?


Because if you have some bad habits, those habits can damage the good effects of exercise & healthy food.

For example, if you smoke 2 packets of cigarettes/day, the nicotine level in your blood would damage your arteries and heart even with good exercise.

Another harmful addiction is drugs. Drugs like cocaine and marijuana can damage brain cells, according to many scientific studies.

Your lifestyle has to match your health.

You have to do what is congruent-not against- your healthy habits.

Some tips for a healthy lifestyle:

1-Go Outdoor: staying too much indoor can promote depression, according to some studies.

2-The Sun: you need to expose yourself to the sun for at least 10 minutes/day. Not only the sun is good for your body and bones because of vitamin D, but it is more important for your mood. The sun is very good for fighting depression. The sun releases rays that are very useful for the hormones. Hormone balance is much more important than vitamins & minerals.

3-Relaxation Techniques: Yoga, meditation and self- hypnosis are all essential for your mental and body relaxation. If you live in a big city where life is fast-paced, you will need to slow down your brainwaves.

These tools can become as important as a necessity. Half an hour of daily Yoga or 1 hour of Chi Kong/day can make a significant difference on your health. My personal experience with Chi Kong taught me that 1 hour/day can increase your energy and boost your health by quantum leaps. Chi Kong will make you healthy physically, mentally and emotionally. The secret is to reach that one hour mark. You can reach it gradually within a month of practice.

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4-Adopt Positive Attitudes & Gratitude: Good health has to mix up with good emotions like gratitude. Positive emotions like gratitude or faith can boost your energy and strengthen your body organs.

A Classic Example: Yesterday, George Bush reached his 90-year-old mark. It was his 90th birthday.

In spite of his old age, he is still in good health. He took good care of his body throughout his life journey. He used to run on a daily basis. He kept his mind active. To show his good health, and to celebrate his 90th birthday, he jumped out of a helicopter and parachuted to the ground, yesterday.

I guess not many people can do that even at an earlier age.

Jon Meacham, a Pulitzer Prize-winning author, said this about G. Bush “He had a remarkable great run of good health and good family and good friends,” he said. “So I know his chief view of life at 90 is one of immense gratitude. He’s very grateful for his parents, he’s grateful for Barbara, he’s grateful for his kids. He knows he’s one of the luckiest guys who ever lived, really.”

You too can become similar to George Bush.

You can enjoy good health for a long time if you take good care of your body, mind and emotions.

Finally: There are many other tips and secrets for good health, but these are among the best.

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